Panoptic Solutions LLC
“Intelligence, Ability, Diligence”
951 7th Street, Stu G., Rochelle IL 61068

When speaking with existing clients about new services or perhaps in the initial conversation with a potential customer, I like to emphasize flexibility. Many existing firms have a certain “menu” from which their customers can choose and hope that it fits the size and scope of their project. These companies would argue that they are not trying to fit everyone in the same “one-size-fits-all” program because they have different levels of service and depths of detail. However, even with a few different plans to choose from, their services are never custom-tailored for each situation.
Panoptic Solutions LLC takes pride in our flexibility in customizing our services with exactly what each different building and team needs. We don’t have forms with boxes to check off. We don’t limit ideas to one “Other: Fill in the blank, response limited to 100 characters” field. During each initial consultation, and again every time we perform a maintenance, our Operations Manager and site technicians asses how we can tailor what we do to better fit what our client’s needs.
Panoptic doesn’t have pre-created boxes to check because we start from scratch with each client. Our reports follow the most comprehensive and accessible format for each customer, not because it fits in the Adobe form we created to make things like this go faster. Our managers will meet you on site, walk through your facility, and work with the facility manager to develop a plan that fits the company’s goals.

Customizable Options:
- Frequency: Panoptic will work with each site to determine a balance between what is economically feasible and what is necessary to provide 100% up time. We schedule our maintenances based on when individual devices are viewed and assessed. Currently we hold contracts ranging from yearly to every five years.
- Time of Day: When invasive testing is necessary, we are comfortable sending crews to perform work any time throughout a day. Many sites prefer overnight shifts to minimize any possible interruptions. Our technicians will arrive at your site rested and alert. Their only task during your maintenance is providing outstanding service.
- Size and Scope: Panoptic will work with your site managers to determine the appropriate level of detail. Our certified thermographers can perform completely non-invasive scans of equipment and provide general, trending information. However, we specialize in granular detail. A team of a technician and a thermographer can also open every single panel and breaker box, giving you real-time data and feedback. This provides the most useful information for facilities that host other clients.
- Use of Data and Images Collected: Often it can be difficult for site managers to convince their supervisors of the need for preventative maintenance. Without hard data to make the case, it seems expensive and time- consuming. After we deliver our reports back to you they are yours to keep and archive. This allows you to reference trending data and truly make your own case for preventative maintenance. It’s the only way to guarantee 100% up time.
–Michelle Crites Director of Client Relations