Panoptic Solutions LLC
“Intelligence, Ability, Diligence”
951 7th Street, Stu G., Rochelle IL 61068

Who can I expect to work in my facility?
One challenge in the data center industry today is the availability of competent labor. Many firms claim to be nationwide and in order to maintain that claim, they source their labor locally, relative to where the job is. While, in theory, that makes financial sense – the cost of travel, lodging, etc. is certainly minimized – it jeopardizes the consistency and quality of the work performed.
and veteran electricians. Further, depending on the individual skills they bring to the company, we pair new hires with teammates to maximize efficiency. Then, after they have completed technical training, they are sent to thermography school. We partner with The Snell Group to achieve consistent education developed by an objective third party. Only after all of these steps have been completed will an individual even be considered to lead their own team. Each and every person we hire completes this process.
Panoptic Solutions LLC is truly a nationwide company. Headquartered in Illinois, we were founded by a veteran electrician with more than 30 years in the field and a veteran of the US Navy who completed Nuclear Power School at the top of his class. We leverage this knowledge and expertise when hiring our technicians and managers. Because of the attention to detail and comfort working in live electrical systems, we tend to hire military veterans. They have the ability to complete high-risk tasks with a cool head and to repeat them hundreds or thousands of times without distraction or loss of detail.
Before being sent out on a job, each employee has been through several checks of competency and training. They must first meet with the three controlling partners of the company including the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and Chief Operations Officer. Once they have passed this initial interview, they accompany qualified technicians in the field. They are rigorously trained and assessed before leading their own teams or even working in a separate aisle from their supervisors. Our personnel in charge of training include those with degrees in formal education, corporate trainers,

When selecting a team to perform each maintenance, the account manager first assesses the job to be done. Then we deploy the best technicians and thermographers for that individual job. It doesn’t matter to Panoptic if your facility is in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, if the best technician for the job lives in Denver, that’s who we’re going to send. Proximity is a non-issue compared to the critical nature of the facilities in which we work.
Panoptic chose this staffing model for several reasons. While it ensures that the right team takes care of you and your facility, it also guarantees that the individuals in your building are only focused on one job at a time. If we are in your facility on the midnight shift, they don’t go work another job during the day. By committing our staff to each job in this way we can guarantee the highest quality of work and attention to detail. Additionally, it helps create a level of comfort with your facility. You can expect to see familiar faces for every maintenance and those individuals will already be familiar with your policies and safety training.